Horse Welfare & Fitness Monitor

CLIENT: Horse Training Equipment Manufacturer

INDUSTRY: Horse Training

The client specialises in horse welfare and training, the product is a management tool for racehorse trainers. It provides information directly from the horse such as heart rate monitoring and speed. Hillside Product Design were tasked to create a moulding design that would encapsulate their technology.

The client required a robust product that could contain the required electronic components, cope with impacts, variable temperatures and protect against ingress. This was to be achieved with an injection moulded case that was anthropometrically suited for use with a horse, and styled to meet the client’s specification. 

An impact resistant engineering plastic was chosen. The outer case was designed to be strong and rigid, solidly supporting all internal components. Hillside Product Design used its injection moulding expertise to specify a process that would create an integrally moulded gasket. This meant that the gasket material was added to the injection moulding in a secondary process and would be permanently bonded. Trials for the product were carried out with the use of specially commissioned prototypes. This provided an opportunity to test the product before production began.   

This approach meant that the client could begin production having already carried out some physical testing. The integral moulding of the gasket provided ingress protection against water/particles and avoided assembly costs of manually fitting a purchased gasket. An additional benefit of using this approach was that the mini USB socket could be provided with a bung by including it in the secondary gasket moulding.